Traducido por Instinto Salvaje
7 DE JULIO, 2014
Este es un llamado a la solidaridad internacional con el antifascista Jock Palfreeman.
Hace unos dias, un guardia de la prisión golpea a Jock y ayer el mismo guardia golpea a un viejo que es de otro país. Algunos prisioneros que provienen del mismo país salen a su defensa, por lo cual 40 guardias golpean de manera realmente brutal a 7 de ellos.
Nuestro compañero Jock Palfreeman, es un jóven que proviene de la región Austrialiana, quien vino a visitar Bulgaria en diciembre del 2007 y se ha encontrado en prisión desde entonces. Una noche en Sofía, Jock vio a dos jóvenes gitanos siendo atacados por un grupo de Hooligans rascistas. El interviene y los rascistas lo atacan con la intención de matarlo. Jock en defensa propia deja a dos gravemente heridos y uno fatalmente.
El Estado búlgaro y su sistema judicial decidieron proteger a los rascistas y jock fue condenado a 20 años de prisión.
Expresemos la solidaridad revolucionaria con creatividad e imaginación!!!
Por la destrrucción de las prisiones, por la liberación de todos los prisioneros, POR LA LIBERACIÓN TOTAL!!!
«Solo es necesario reconocer nuestra propia lucha y combatirlos y tomar las acciones apropiadas donde nos encontremos. No por caridad o el sentido del deber, sino por nosotros mismos»
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Prison’s address:
Jock Palfreeman
Sofia Central Prison
21 General Stoletov Boulevard
Sofia 1309, BULGARIA
July 7 2014
This is a call for international solidarity with antifascist Jock
A guard prison hits him (not very badly) some days ago and yesterday the same guard hits an old man from another country. Some others inmates from the same country defended him and 40 guards hit 7 of them really brutal. Very brutal!
Our comrade Jock Palfreeman have call the lawyers to defend them and now he is threatened that they will beat him badly too. The guard told him the he will come to hit him early in the morning.
Jock Palfreeman is a young Australian who came to visit Bulgaria in December 2007, and has been in Bulgarian prison ever since. One night, in Sofia, Jock saw two young Roma boys being attacked by large group of racist hooligans. He intervened and the racists attacked him with purpose to kill him. Jock in self-defense seriously injured two of his attackers, one fatally.
The Bulgarian State and its judicial system decided to protect the racists, their protectors, and Jock was sentenced to 20 years of prison.
Express the revolutionary solidarity with your own creativity and
For the destruction of all prisons, for the release of all prisoners,
for total freedom.
«It is only necessary to recognize our own struggle in their struggle and to take appropriate action where we are. Not out of charity or a sense of duty, but for ourselves.»
Prison’s address:
Jock Palfreeman
Sofia Central Prison
21 General Stoletov Boulevard
Sofia 1309, BULGARIA